i knew when the holidays started it was going to be just another boring holiday because for me a holiday or vaccation has never really (very rarely) included going out of bangalore. so any mere ray of joy thats comes from vaccationing had to be extracted from 'namaurru bengaluru' thus me and abhi decided to go to banerghetta national park since neither of us had seen it.
it took us just about an hour to get there he (abhi) would claim it was thanks to his driving skills but i think it was thanks to less traffic for a change. on arriving there i didn't really know what to expect and people who had been there before had always told me it's very rarely that you get to see animals on the safari..hence from then on until we reached the safari bus abhi had to deal with my pessimistic views on how we would never get to see lions or tigers and the like.
before we got on the bus we met another species, homo weirdo sapiens in other words, it was this middle aged bengali couple who were really thrilled to be here but their hopes of getting into the bus fast was delayed everytime some younger couple or pesky kid or some wife looking for her husband and kids cut the line and ran forward.. so after we dealt with that for a while we finally got on the safari bus.
it took us a bit to finally see some animals,meanwhile we were getting restless so myself and abhi played the game of "find the water body" (a very simple game that involves an individual to spot any form of water body first.) since there were no animals to see we started this,the game was a big success to relieve our boredom. no sooner did we give up hope of finding any creature on four legs than our attention was drawn to a bunch of wild buffaloes or some stupid animal like that which can be seen in the city as well..although it was interesting to see the others reaction-like they had seen god or something.
moving along after seeing some more mediocre animals we finally spotted a stag it looked really brilliant with its tall antlers sadly abhi didnt have the brains to take a picture. after this there was a spell of plain grasslands again.. abhi the genius pointed out to a mud pool and claimed that he beat me at the "game".
i obviously just let him bask in his glory because we were soon approaching the region that had bears. we got to see different kinds of bears- some extremely adorable some made me want to be a bear because all they did was sleep.
then came the part i was eagerly waiting for the tigers and the lions.. initially we got to see some of them in cages.. which was quite sad because they all looked malnourished and tired..and they were agitated as well as our bus moved by..after this we entered the area where we could see the tiges up close...initially we saw few tiger and lion cubs(extremely adorable its a pity one cant keep them as pets) then we saw a white tiger and some bengal tigers most of them fled when they saw the bus but we got really close to some..with abhi clicking all the way and me jabbering about how magnificient they looked all he could think of was his phone falling..anyway the trip finally came to an end and nothing happened to his phone (thank god)
we went to the zoo next, got to see a few exotic species, a sick hyena,a tormented leopard, some chained elephants, a shitting hippo, a very long scary cobra and other such depressing animals.(not too fond of zoos, caged animals are not a fun sight to see.)
so after a long day amongst animals it was time to leave..i had great fun going to banerghetta, i'm so glad i got to see some animals inspite of me cribbing and it wouldn't have been fun enough if abhi wasn't there.
p.s- abhi's comp. crashed so we lost all the pictures, there were some real good ones with the tigers..well sadly we can never get them back but i have just two pics from the trip for memory. and this trip took place in my holidays i began to write this after wecame back but due to certain events i couldn't finish it soon enough.
LOL! One fun trip and all eh? meghe! :)
Hello Madam!! Never accept my driving skills ok !!! Also i "won" the game, don't try to disparage it !!!!
Well why do i feel that you are making fun of me through some of the lines [:?]
no i'm not i would never do that to you O:-)
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