Saturday, February 25, 2006

going to wake up from my slumber

MOOD: feeling 1 ft 'short'

alas! i've done it again..after the inumerable promises to myself to blog regularly i've gone and fallen prey to the perils of procastination AGAIN!!!! will i ever change.. (i'd like to say no,being the pessimist i am)

over the past few days i "WAS" supposed to blog about my class picnic to MEKEDATTU, which rocked! a visit to the old age home,which was an enlightening experience, the beginning of my CAT classes..the death of my french class, random happenings in college, how miserable my internals were, the ever-present disaster in my life: my computer and more....

but instead of blogging about it all i've done is contemplated about blogging!!!!!
well instead of hating myself and feeling really low right now i'm just going to make a better effort next time and WAKE UP from my deep slumber of laziness(WAKE UP MEGHA ,WAKE UP-ignore that, it was me profusely shaking myself to awaken to reality). on a positive note i did read 'the alchemist' (FINALLY) loved it!!!!

P.S: i'm so brialliant i even forgot my password to the blog! *sigh* my brain and its limited capacity!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Abhilash said...

Does this mean u r goin to blog profusely from now on only !!!! R u even goin to finish your backlog of blogs !!! Finally i would like to see more of optimism some where, not asking for much but a little more ;)