Wednesday, March 22, 2006

the pain's killing me

Boil Oh Boil!

It' was the 12th of March
And I felt like startch
That was just me desperately trying to rhyme
Since then to survive i've had to mime

You ask why?
Well then with a sigh..
I have this boil
It's more intricate than a coil

It all started when I discovered a pimple
And drowned it in acne cream thinking it was simple
Alas it was more stubborn than I thought
I knew now I had to bare the consequence no matter what!

It cleverly remained small in size to the beholder
But the pain penetrated deep inside almost till my shoulder
The left side of my face is swollen thanks to it
Sometimes it's hard to even swallow spit

I've been sitting at home for 5 days now
I'm beggining to miss college and feeling a bit of a cow
The doctor prescribed some pills for this s**t
Argggghhhh this boil has put me in such a fit

I have no clue when this will go
until then will you let me know?
Why this happened to me?
Oh god please have some pity!

Ever since it has emerged i've been meek
It's so bad that I haven't been able to speak
I've had to mime and master the art of hand signals
And everytime I think of the boil my face tingles

It's the 22nd of March
And I feel like startch
This is still me desperately trying to rhyme
For how long will I have to mime?

-dedicated to my most painful boil ever!!!!!!!!


Abhilash said...


Anonymous said...

22nd march feel like starch?? hahaha mooga u crack me up gurl