Thursday, November 02, 2006


And once again I was succumbed to the infinite wrath of a lecher.. two actually...

While I blissfully rode on my Activa on the Koramangala Inner Ring Road, unaware of absolutely everything, almost asleep on the bike with my eyes open(which is an excellent feeling btw), the signal approaches me and I'm brought out of trance like a disturbed nightmare. Now out of complete boredom for having being stuck at the signal for nearly five mins I turn to my left and see this gunk of an auto driver smirking away (as always- most auto driver/ lechers do that) to God knows what. On closer inspection I realised that he was having a field day by just looking at the teensiest bit of skin on me ( I was wearing a salwar in my defence... for all those of you who think its always the woman's fault.. ahem!!!). Disgusted as I could be I tried to manoeuver my way and get to the other side of the road.. I dared not to look behind and see if he was still looking.

Totally disappointed by the incident I tried to take my mind of it, no sooner did I get the thought out of my head than another auto stop right next to me.. and this time it wasn't the driver I had problems with, it was the commuter siting behind!!! The most disturbing thing was him looking at certain things he shouldn't be looking at when I'm looking directly at him trying to given him the "ugly look".. when he finally raises his head and looks at me... he gives one of the most sickening smile ever ( the other sickening smiles i've experienced have also been from lechers) almost as if he had had hemlock to drink and was now calmed by it!

All I could do this time was helplessly wait for the signal to turn green, riding along I pondered if only men from lower class do this? But I can't be brutal in concluding that, I'm sre all guys do it they just have different means of doing it (means I won't even go into). I guess its best to conclude that all men act like jerks at some point or the other be it ignoring,forgetting,ditching,abusing, cursing, fighting,killing,murdering,raping,leching...anything negative!

It just goes to prove that when it comes to the rubbish they do they're only doing it because their brains are situated down south instead of their heads where it belongs otherwise!!!


Adarsh Bhat said...

On closer inspection I realised that he was having a field day by just looking at the teensiest bit of skin on me

Ah, uncovered meat...

(Just kidding)

And by the way, you know that you're being unreasonable when painting all men with the same brush with your unkind words. :)

Surviving said...

.... i was using unkind words to refer to men only when it comes to this...."the rubbish they do", "anything negative" ...... and hey! i'm allowed to have an opinion... reasonable /unreasonable

Satyadarshini said...

I realise how crazy I have been when I drive around the scooty and some auto or these taxi drivers trouble me...I have gone on this road rage spree some days.
Got off my vehicle middle of the road and yelling..
Yeah its crazy...and not the solution sadly :(

Aparna said...

Hi Megha,

Adarsh gave me the link in response to this:
and I totally understand what you mean!
I personally feel its SO much worse in the north, coz to add to the disgusting letching they expect women to be gratified to get thier attention.... I actually miss the seemingly innocent auto letchers of Bangalore!!